EDITS arts competition

© Denisismagilov | Dreamstime
You are on the application and submission platform of the “CALL FOR ARTISTIC IMAGINATION: Visions of the future – Life in 2050 with much less energy” under the Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) project. We have a challenge for you! How do YOU envision a future society that has successfully avoided climate change in 2050? How do YOU imagine a world that consumes much less energy by changing behavior, habits, business traditions, and many other aspects of daily life? How will people live? Would everyday life look drastically different in 2050? What are the key social and technological changes that will help? Will there be major behavior shifts depending on where you live?
Step 1 of 2
Note that checking all of them is a prerequisite for participation in the competition. You can contact the data protection officer to have your data deleted any time: dpo@iiasa.ac.at.